Arkansas Department of Human Services
Arkansas Independent Choices
Aging (Adult)
Physical Disability (21-64 yrs)
Arkansas Lifespan Respite Voucher Applications are currently being accepted as of June 1, 2023. Start your application here.
All new direct deposit set ups require a bank pre-note. This means that your first paycheck will be a physical check in the mail, please expect it 3-5 business days after payroll. To review your paystub, please log into MyAccount
- Learn more about the transition of your program on our special welcome page!
The Arkansas Department of Human Services self-directed programs gives individuals and their families choice, control, and independence over their care and lives in the community through the IndependentChoices (1915j State Plan Services) and ARChoices (1915c HCBS Wavier Services)
Participants can
Select services and support to meet your needs.
Work with a support broker to develop a budget.
Find, hire, manage, and dismiss your careworkers.
Use MyAccount to review your budget and approved services.
Use MyAccount to monitor your careworker’s hours and spending.
Use MyAccount or Time4Care to review, approve, and submit your careworker’s timesheets.
Services include
Payroll – We process payroll for your careworker using money from your budget.
Employment tax requirements – We handle all employment-related taxes for you, including federal, state, local, and unemployment.
Monthly budget management – We help you keep your spending on track.
Enrollment support – We help you and your careworker with enrollment and training through your enrollment specialist,
Customer service – Our friendly and professional customer service agents are available five days a week to help you with any questions.
Service reports – With our reports you’ll always have a clear picture of the services you’ve received.
How to get started
Are you wondering if self-direction is right for you or your loved one?
Both participants (employers) and caregivers (employees) have lots of timekeeping to do when working in a self-direction program.
Time4Care is our highly rated mobile solution for Apple and Android smart devices.
Reminders to submit timesheets
Timesheet submission and approval alerts
Timesheet error checking
Offline time entry
Simple calendar interface
Privacy features
Instant timesheet approval
Works right in the MyAccount/BetterOnline portal
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is used in your program. Submit and approve timesheets with Time4Care EVV, our easy-to-use mobile app.
Download on App Store Download on Google Play EVV and Time4Care FAQ Time4Care Quick GuideMyAccount
MyAccount has everything you need to make sure your self-direction journey is a success. Designed for participants and caregivers, it lets you complete and check all required paperwork, timesheets, budgets and spending, with a focus on making the enrollment process easy.
It’ll make smooth sailing of any choppy waters you encounter while you’re getting set up, giving you the answers and forms you need, right when you need them.
Log in
Select the system your program uses to go to the login page.
Log time, review, approve, and submit timesheets, and handle electronic visit verification with ease.
Learn more about the benefits of Time4Care or watch our training videos here
Download on App Store Download on Google PlayOur complete web app that puts everything you need as a self-director (or case manager, or caregiver!) right at your fingertips.
Provider Payments
Employees will be able to submit their time electronically through PPL’s Time4Care mobile application. PPL also has an alternative method for you to clock in and out if you do not have internet or cell service.
Yes. EVV is required for providers in the Independent Choices program. Providers will use PPL’s Time4Care mobile app to clock their time entries in and out.
PPL will provide training on the mobile app during the transition enrollment period.
The first time you will be paid from PPL is October 4, 2023. The payroll schedule will remain the same as it is today.
Any newly enrolled worker will receive their first payment with PPL by paper check even if direct deposit is set up. PPL runs a pre-note with the bank on the worker’s first payment to be sure the account number is correct. After the first payment cycle payments will be sent by direct deposit.
General FAQ
Public Partnerships (PPL) is the only vendor for self-direction in the State of Arkansas Independent Choices Program as of October 1, 2023. Remember, self-directing your services means that you are in complete control over who you hire, how you receive your services and when! Self-direction gives you budget and employer authority while being supported by a PPL Support Broker who is always there to assist.
You can enroll through our FMS vendor, PPL. To begin the assessment and enrollment process, please reach out to PPL’s customer service toll-free number: 1(800) 256-2913 or email at
You can learn more about PPL on our AR Independent Choices web page, here!
Reach out Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm at:
Customer Service / General Questions: 1-800-256-2913
Customer Service TTY: 1-800-360-5899
Customer Service Email:
People providing services to a participant in the Independent Choices program need to complete paperwork with critical agreement, relationship and tax withholding information.
Your provider may also need to:
- Complete and pass a national criminal background check or maltreatment registry checks if they haven’t done so within the last 5 years.
- Complete and pass a drug screen if they haven’t done so within the last 5 years.
Your provider enters time using PPL’s Time4Care mobile app which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
Yes, EVV is required for providers in the Independent Choices program. Providers will use PPL’s Time4Care mobile app to clock their time entries in and out.
Please check the current pay schedule on the PPL Independent Choices program documents section for specific dates.
Contacting PPL
PPL has customer service representatives that will be available soon. You can call and/or email during normal business hours, Monday through Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm CST.

Program Documents
Payroll Documents
AR IC Pay Schedule 2024 IRS Form W-4 IRS Form W-4 (Spanish) Invoice Schedule 2025 NEW Pay Schedule 2025 NEWTime4Care™
Time4Care Quick Guide NEWTrainings & How to Guides
MyAccount Guide for Admins MyAccount Guide for Participants MyAccount Guide for ProvidersContact Information
Customer Service / General Questions:
Customer Service TTY:
Customer Service Email: