Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)

NJ DDD Self-Directed Option 



Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Adult)


Current Employers of Record (EORs) who are adding a new Self-Directed Employee (SDE) should contact PPLs Over the Phone Enrollment line at 1-877-908-1752 and can refer to this Easy Step OTP enrollment document.

If you are new to Self Direction and would like to hire a SDE, please contact the Support Coordinator who will send in the initial referral through iRecord. Once the referral is received, the Enrollment Specialist will reach out to you with a Welcome Call and help guide you through next steps.

PPL hosted a virtual summit about self-direction in New Jersey. We had a wonderful day of discovery and insights into self-direction with speakers like Senator Angela McKnight and Assemblywoman Jessica Ramirez and guests from many esteemed organizations, like the NJ Advocates for Aging Well, Autism NJ, and Values into Action.

Click here for recordings and presentations.

PPL Wants to Talk with Your Team!

Support Coordination Agencies (SCA), Family Groups, Advocates, and Support Broker Agencies (SBA)
• Would you like PPL to speak at an upcoming meeting or Conference?
• Does your team want to better understand the Vendor/Fiscal Employer Agent model of self-direction?
• Does your team need a better understanding of PPL’s operational policies, procedures or processes?

Click the following link and complete the meeting request form in its entirety.

Meeting Request Form


Public Partnerships will partner with the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities to serve as the fiscal intermediary for the Division’s Supports Program, Interim Program, and Community Care Waiver (CCW) Program. 

We look forward to getting to know you and your family during this transition. We will be updating this page regularly, so please visit us again for more information.  Public Partnerships is excited to partner with the Division of Aging Services to serve as the fiscal intermediary for the Jersey Assistance for Community Caregiving (JACC), the Participant-Employed Provider (PEP) program. 

Participants can 

Decide how much to pay for services, and negotiate with caregivers (within your budget).

Find, hire, manage, and dismiss your caregivers.

Use BetterOnline to review your budget and approved services.

Use BetterOnline to monitor your careworker’s hours and spending.

Use BetterOnline or Time4Care to review, approve, and submit your caregiver’s timesheets.

Services include

Payroll – We process payroll for your caregiver using money from your budget.

Employment tax requirements – We handle all employment-related taxes for you, including federal, state, local, and unemployment.

Enrollment support – We help you and your caregiver with enrollment and training through your enrollment specialist,

Customer service – Our friendly and professional customer service agents are available five days a week to help you with any questions.

Payments for additional services – We process payments for goods and services purchased by the participant using their allocated budget funds

How to get started

Take the questionnaire


Both participants (employers) and caregivers (employees) have lots of timekeeping to do when working in a self-direction program.

Time4Care is our highly rated mobile solution for Apple and Android smart devices.

Reminders to submit timesheets

Timesheet submission and approval alerts

Timesheet error checking

Offline time entry

Simple calendar interface

Privacy features


Instant timesheet approval

Works right in the MyAccount/BetterOnline portal


Better Online is a web-based app that keeps you organized and gives you the tools and info you need to manage your self-direction journey. Handle timesheets, check how much you spend each month, and get answers when you need them. It’s easy to use and available from any internet-connected device.

Log in

Select the system to go to the login page.


Log time and review, approve, and submit timesheets with ease.

Learn more about the benefits of Time4Care

Download on App Store Download on Google Play

Fill out, approve, and submit timesheets, complete enrollment paperwork, and run reports 

Program Documents

Please note for the filter below that:
SDEs = Caregivers
Support Coordinators = Case Managers/Service Coordinators
EORs = Participants/Employers
Vendors = Vendors


Contact Information

Customer Service Hours:
Monday – Friday:
8am – 6pm | ET

How to Access Secure Encrypted Emails from Public Partnerships

This document walks you through the process for accessing Office 365 (O365) encrypted email messages. Email encryption involves encrypting, or disguising, the content of email messages to protect potentially sensitive information from being read by anyone other than intended recipients.

Accessing office 365 encrypted messages