New York State Department of Health
NY Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)
Consumers and PAs need to transition to PPL by March 28, 2025.
PPL was selected as the Statewide FI to serve the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP). Consumers and PAs need to complete their transition to PPL by March 28, 2025.
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English: 1-833-247-5346
Arabic: 1-833-278-4829
Bangla: 1-833-278-5781
French: 1-833-279-3511
Haitian Creole: 1-833-279-3513
Italian: 1-833-279-3514
Mandarin: 1-833-279-3467
Spanish: 1-833-281-0927
Urdu: 1-833-281-3277
TTY: 1-833-204-9042
Aging (Adult)
Persons with Disabilities
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Adult, 18 and under)
Developmental Disabilities (Adult, 18 and under)
- Switching to PPL is Simpler than You Think! Read about our interview with Claudia G, click here.
- Check out our updated FAQs below in answer to your recent questions!
- The State and PPL will communicate more details around the transition in the coming months
- Our support center is now open! The support center contact number is posted below.
- All transitions must be complete by March 28, 2025. Please make sure to plan early to begin your transition. We’re here to help!
- Meet your PPL Team – check out our video!
The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) is a Medicaid program governed by Section 365-f of the New York State Social Services Law (SSL) and the implementing regulations under Section 505.28 of Title 18 of the New York Codes, Rules, and Regulations (NYCRR).
This program helps people with disabilities, chronic illnesses, or other long-term health conditions stay at home with their chosen care and services. They can employ people they choose as personal assistants (PAs).
Resources & Events
Click below on the “Resources & Events” button to view our documents, event information and recordings.
Resources & EventsCDPAP Facilitators
CDPAP facilitators are community-based organizations located throughout New York State who can help you transition to PPL as the statewide fiscal intermediary and provide ongoing customer service and EVV support.
Our facilitator partners enhance PPL’s ability to provide culturally competent and localized support to the many New Yorkers who rely on CDPAP. In addition to the approved list of partners below, PPL is working with additional facilitators to further expand our capacity and footprint. Partners are approved and readied on a rolling basis. We will post additional facilitators in the coming weeks.
Click here to view where our partners are located, what languages they speak, and how to contact them.
Independent Living Centers
- AIM Independent Living Center
- ARISE, Inc
- Center for Disability Rights
- Finger Lakes Independence Center, Inc
- Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley, Inc. (ILCHV)
- Independent Living, Inc.
- Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.
- Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc. (RCIL)
- Rockland Independent Living Center dba Bridges
- Southern Tier Independence Center
- Western New York Independent Living
- A Special Touch Home Care Services (Special Touch Home Care Services, Inc.)
- AccessCNY, Inc.
- AHS Eldercare
- Angels in Your Home
- BestCare Inc.
- Burd Home Health LLC.
- Chinese American Planning Council dba CPC Consumer Directed
- Committed Home Care, Inc.
- Community Care Companions Inc dba Community Care Home Health Services
- Community Home Health Care
How to Switch to PPL
Between now and March 28, 2025, you can choose any of the options below to transition to PPL. Existing CDPAP consumers and PAs must complete the transition to PPL as the fiscal intermediary by March 28 to continue CDPAP services. Consumers and PAs new to CDPAP services will be able to register with PPL starting March 1.
Option 1: Transition Over the Phone
Call our customer support center at 1-833-247-5346, and we will walk you through the process.
Option 2: Transition Online
You can switch to PPL using our PPL@Home online system. Access PPL@Home by clicking the appropriate link below.
Sign up with Your Email Address Sign up with Your Cell Phone Number
Option 3: Transition with a CDPAP Facilitator
Our CDPAP facilitators can help you switch to PPL. A list of approved facilitators is available here.
Option 4: Transition at a Registration Session
Join an in-person or virtual session for dedicated support with the transition. See upcoming dates here.
Log in
PPL@Home is our online system that takes you through all the steps to get started with PPL.
Sign Up for PPL@Home
Sign up with Your Email Address Sign up with Your Cell Phone NumberAlready Signed Up? Sign In!
Sign in with Your Email Address Sign in with Your Cell Phone NumberFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who is PPL?
Question: Who is PPL, and why should they be trusted as a fiscal intermediary?
Answer: PPL is the leading fiscal intermediary for consumer directed services. We have been serving consumers and personal assistants (PAs) for 25 years and work with 50 programs across 21 states. PPL is solely dedicated to consumer directed services and does not have other lines of business. Many PPL employees have worked in consumer directed services for decades and our technology is the highest rated on the Google App and Apple App stores.
Question: How is PPL preparing to be the statewide fiscal intermediary?
Answer: PPL is hiring more than 1,200 New Yorkers to serve consumers and PAs. We are opening offices across the state and preparing our highly rated systems for use in the program. PPL is also partnering with some existing fiscal intermediaries who will serve as CDPAP facilitators to expand its capabilities. PPL and the CDPAP facilitators will support language, cultural, and accessibility needs.
PPL is also working closely with managed care plans and Local Department of Social Services offices to coordinate communications and information with care managers who serve CDPAP consumers.
Question: Is an out of state company committed to New York consumers and PAs?
Answer: PPL has been supporting New York Department of Health programs since 2011. We have been servicing the Traumatic Brain Injury and Nursing Home Transition housing supports program as a fiscal intermediary for more than a decade. Many of PPL’s CDPAP team leaders are New Yorkers and have been working with NY Department of Health programs for years. PPL is also moving its headquarters to Albany and hiring more than 1,200 New Yorkers to serve CDPAP consumers and PAs.
Question: Why are there so many commercials and advertising about PPL? Is what they are saying true, and should we be concerned?
Answer: There are organizations who are trying to stop the transition to PPL as the statewide fiscal intermediary because they themselves stand to lose money from the fiscal intermediary contracts. Current CDPAP fiscal intermediaries get paid administrative fees between $150 – $1,050 per consumer per month, while the national average for fiscal intermediaries is below $100 per month. Under PPL, CDPAP administrative costs will be brought in line with national averages and enable program funds to be focused on consumers.
The ads are misleading. You should not be concerned about PPL. PPL is the national leader in fiscal intermediary services for consumer direction programs. We have been in business for 25 years and are successfully serving 50 programs in 21 states.
Question: I heard there was a class action lawsuit in Pennsylvania involving PPL. Do we need to be worried that PPL won’t pay PAs?
Answer: There was a lawsuit created in 2017 in Pennsylvania unrelated to PPL’s performance. The judge ruled in PPL’s favor and PPL was found not to be liable. The claim in this case was that home care attendants who live with their consumers were legally entitled to overtime pay, even though the Pennsylvania program rules did not allow it. The lawsuit was not about PPL’s ability to pay the overtime; it was about whether the Pennsylvania program should allow for this type of overtime. This would not be relevant to CDPAP because in CDPAP, overtime is allowed.
Question: The ads against PPL mention consumers in Colorado and New Jersey are not happy with PPL, is this true?
Answer: PPL has been serving Colorado and New Jersey consumers successfully for many years. In Colorado where there are multiple FIs in the state, 80% of consumers choose to work with PPL. In New Jersey, PPL has high satisfaction ratings among consumers—in the 90 – 100% range.
Question: The ads mention problems with a 2013 transition in Pennsylvania. What happened there?
Answer: This refers to a contract transition from over a decade ago. There were some issues during the transition caused by the outgoing fiscal intermediaries refusing to cooperate in the transition process. Some fiscal intermediaries in Pennsylvania left the program abruptly and did not pay caregivers what they were owed. Some other fiscal intermediaries refused to give data to PPL, despite being instructed by the state to do so.
Current CDPAP fiscal intermediaries are encouraged to focus on the well-being of the consumers and the PAs and cooperate with the CDPAP transition to a single statewide fiscal intermediary. Sending out false and misleading information only scares and confuses consumers. If current CDPAP fiscal intermediaries do not cooperate with the transition, the Department of Health and PPL are putting plans in place to help the transition go smoothly.
Question: Why are consumers getting emails from PPL?
Answer: PPL has partnered with the New York Department of Health to ensure CDPAP consumers receive important information about the statewide fiscal intermediary transition. Consumer contact information was provided to PPL by the state strictly for this purpose.
Question: What languages does PPL serve?
Answer: PPL team members and their CDPAP facilitator partners speak 40 different languages, including the top 14 languages spoken in New York. Additionally, PPL’s customer support center agents have access to translation services in 300 languages and American Sign Language, and information on PPL’s website can be translated into 130 languages. Overall, information and services are available in hundreds of languages and dialects, including those identified by New York State’s Office of the Medicaid Inspector General as Limited English Proficient (LEP). These include Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Yiddish, Bangla, Haitian Creole, Korean, Arabic, Italian, French, Polish, and Urdu.
Transition Information
Question: Why is the state changing how the fiscal intermediaries operate in CDPAP?
Answer: Consolidation to an accountable fiscal intermediary, rather than 600+ disparate fiscal intermediaries, will enable the state to have better oversight of the program. The single statewide fiscal intermediary structure will bring transparency and accountability that currently does not exist today for CDPAP. This will strengthen the program for years to come so that it can continue to serve consumers who need it.
Some of the ways the accountability and transparency will do this is by reducing fraud and waste in the program. For example, in October 2024, the United States Department of Justice indicted eight New York companies with $68 million in fraud involving CDPAP. The single statewide fiscal intermediary will also enable better reporting, compliance with federal and state laws, and assurance that consumers and PAs are supported in accordance with the program’s requirements.
Question: Does everyone in CDPAP have to move to PPL?
Answer: Yes. Consumers and their PAs will need to transition to PPL as their fiscal intermediary before March 28, 2025. Please contact PPL’s support center for help with the transition process. The support center contact number is posted above.
Question: Where can consumers and PAs get more information about the transition?
Answer: There are several ways that consumers and PAs can get additional information, including: 1) visiting PPL’s website at, 2) attending an information session (see website for more information), 3) emailing PPL at, 4) calling PPL directly, and 5) speaking with their managed care plan or Local Department of Social Services office.
Question: When can consumers and PAs start working with PPL?
Answer: PPL’s customer support center is now open to help consumers and PAs who are already in the program transition to PPL. Current CDPAP consumers and PAs will have until March 28 to complete the transition to PPL as their fiscal intermediary.
For consumers who are new to CDPAP, PPL will begin accepting referrals starting on March 1.
Question: What are the ways consumers and PAs have to complete the transition?
Answer: PPL offers several options for consumers and PAs to transition to PPL. They can: 1) call PPL to get a step by step walk through of the process; 2) work with an approved CDPAP facilitator to complete the transition; 3) email PPL or register online through our PPL@Home system, or 4) attend one of our registration session (click here to see our upcoming sessions).
Question: If a consumer and their PA completes the transition before March 28, when will the PA start being paid by PPL?
Answer: In January 2025, PPL will post the pay schedule for the program. PPL will contact those who transition before March 28 to provide the first service start date and first payroll date.
Question: What if a current fiscal intermediary stops working with CDPAP before a consumer’s scheduled transition date?
Answer: For consumers who are managed care members, their managed care plan will help them get support they need if their fiscal intermediary stops serving CDPAP before the scheduled time. For fee-for-service members, their Local Department of Social Services district office will support them.
Question: What if a consumer or PA doesn’t have home internet, or prefers to get in-person support?
Answer: PPL has several options for transitioning and working with PPL that don’t require internet access. Consumers and PAs can: 1) call PPL’s customer support center, 2) attend an in-person registration session in their area, 3) call an approved CDPAP facilitator, or 4) request an in-office or in-home visit.
Additionally, for tracking work shifts, a call-in option will also be available for signing PAs in and out of work.
Question: If all paperwork is completed early, can a consumer and PA transition before March 28?
Answer: Yes, PPL will contact those who transition before March 28 to provide the first service start date and first payroll date. If the transition process is completed before March 1, consumers and their PAs can start services with PPL as their fiscal intermediary on March 1.
Question: Can PPL get the enrollment documents from a consumer’s current fiscal intermediary so that they don’t have to redo everything?
Answer: PPL will collect as much information as possible during the transition. However, some documents will need to be updated. If the current fiscal intermediary is not able to provide the necessary documents to PPL, we will ask the consumer or PA for the information to ensure a smooth transition. Those currently working with one of our CDPAP facilitators can continue doing so, and they will assist with the paperwork.
Question: I was signing up through the link on the website and it asks for a PPL identifier and tracking number. What are those? Where can I find that info?
Answer: Consumers and PAs are provided with a PPL identifier and tracking number when you get set up in PPL@Home. This may happen automatically if we are provided with your contact information from your health plan or the state. In this case you would receive an email or text message from PPL with this information. If you have not received a PPL ID or tracking number, please call us so that we can provide it to you or create one.
Question: Is choice being eliminated with the CDPAP transition?
Answer: No. Consumers have choice of PA, which is an important component of consumer direction.
CDPAP Facilitator Partners
Question: Where can consumers find out if their current fiscal intermediary will be a CDPAP facilitator?
Answer: A list of the approved CDPAP facilitators is available in the CDPAP Facilitators section of this webpage along with how to contact them. Click here to see additional detail about counties served, languages spoken, and special areas of focus with our CDPAP facilitators. PPL is also adding new partners regularly and will update this page as partners are added.
Question: What if a consumer’s current fiscal intermediary is not an approved CDPAP facilitator?
Answer: Consumers and PAs can call PPL for help transitioning to PPL directly or through one of our approved CDPAP facilitators.
Question: What is the role of the CDPAP Facilitator vs. PPL’s role?
Answer: PPL will be the CDPAP Statewide Fiscal Intermediary (SFI). PPL is responsible for all fiscal intermediary functions, including transition support for consumers and PAs, payroll processing, system training, compliance, ongoing customer service, and other functions. While PPL will be able to support all consumer and PA needs, CDPAP facilitators are also available to assist with some of these items, such as customer service, transition assistance, and EVV support.
Question: Will PPL continue to work with Independent Living Centers (ILCs)?
Answer: Yes, we are currently planning to work with the ILCs.
Question: How can a current fiscal intermediary become a CDPAP facilitator?
Answer: Existing CDPAP fiscal intermediaries in good standing can email to express interest in joining PPL’s facilitator network.
Question: When will current FIs be notified of the transition and get the necessary information?
Answer: The Department of Health has already issued guidance to current CDPAP fiscal intermediaries about the transition and what they need to do. The information can be found here.
Question: Are facilitators a temporary role for CDPAP?
Answer: No. CDPAP facilitators are not temporary. CDPAP facilitators have been selected to further enhance PPL’s statewide footprint and provide local and culturally competent support to consumers and PAs over the long term. While facilitators are here to assist with the transition to PPL as the fiscal intermediary, they will continue to serve CDPAP consumers and PAs going forward.
Question: What is the benefit of working with a facilitator? When should a consumer consider working with PPL directly vs. with a facilitator?
Answer: PPL or one of our partners can serve as a CDPAP facilitator. Some of the reasons a consumer or PA might consider working with one of PPL’s partner facilitators is if they have an existing relationship with one as a previous fiscal intermediary, if the facilitator’s offices are in their area, or if the facilitator provides specialty support for the consumer’s or PA’s needs. PPL can also be your facilitator. PPL can provide services in hundreds of languages, has experience working with specialty populations, and will have offices throughout New York.
Question: My FI told me not to transition yet until I hear from them. Is this true?
Answer: As of April 1st, PPL will be the statewide fiscal intermediary for CDPAP. This means everyone who is a consumer or PA in CDPAP has to transition to PPL by March 28th. Consumers and PAs should complete their transition paperwork and activities as soon as possible, starting today. If your FI is not giving you accurate or helpful information, please contact PPL at 1-833-247-5346 or You can also find this information on the New York State Department of Health website.
Question: I haven’t heard about the transition or received a notice from my current FI.
Answer: The New York State Department of Health has notified all current FIs about the transition to PPL as the statewide FI for CDPAP. Your current FI should have informed you about this change. If they have not provided you with this information, you can contact PPL directly for assistance. More information is available on the New York State Department of Health website as well as on our website,
Question: What if I am not interested in transitioning to PPL? Are all FIs being removed?
Answer: Some FIs are becoming CDPAP facilitators, which means they can continue to support you during and after the transition to PPL. However, PPL will be the only fiscal intermediary starting April 1st. A list of CDPAP facilitators can be found on the PPL website.
Question: Can I choose a facilitator or will PPL assign one?
Answer: You are free to choose a facilitator, or we’d be happy to help you find one based on your location, needs, and preferences. All current facilitators, including their locations, languages, specialties, and contact information, are listed on our website at If you would like PPL to help match you with a facilitator, please call us. You can also use PPL as your facilitator.
Question: Can only approved facilitators help a consumer transition to PPL?
Answer: Any facilitator within PPL’s network can assist with the transition to PPL and provide ongoing support. Consumers can also work with PPL directly.
Question: If a consumer is currently with a fiscal intermediary that is closing, and they transition to an approved facilitator, will the consumer have to transition again to PPL later?
Answer: The approved facilitator will help the consumer transition to PPL as their fiscal intermediary by April 1st. The consumer can continue to work directly with that facilitator for their customer support needs even after PPL becomes their FI.
Question: If a consumer or PA is currently working with an approved facilitator, should they contact the facilitator and ask them to process the paperwork to transition to PPL?
Answer: Yes. The facilitator should reach out to you, but you may want to contact them proactively to get the process started. All consumers and PAs must transition to PPL by March 28 to continue in CDPAP. Facilitators can help with the transition, and consumers can continue working with them going forward, but there is still action that must be taken.
Question: If a consumer or PA is currently working with an approved facilitator, should they contact PPL directly? And do they still need to transition to PPL?
Answer: If the consumer and PA are working with an approved facilitator, there is no need to contact PPL unless you prefer to work with PPL directly. However, you should contact the facilitator as you will still need to transition to PPL as your FI. All consumers and PAs must transition to PPL by March 28. Facilitators can help with the transition, and consumers can continue working with them going forward, but there is still action that must be taken.
Consumer Benefits and Services
Question: Will there be a change to CDPAP covered services?
Answer: No, there is no change to the consumer’s eligibility or services covered under the program.
Personal Assistant (PA) Wages & Benefits
Question: What will PAs get paid with PPL?
Answer: PPL offers competitive wages and a robust benefits package for PAs. Listed below are the minimum base wage rates by location; however, higher base wages may apply depending on the consumer’s service authorization and other factors.
The minimum base wage rate for PAs serving consumers living in Bronx, New York, Kings, Queens, and Richmond counties is $20.10.
The minimum base wage rate for PAs serving consumers living in Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester counties is $19.50.
The minimum base wage rate for PAs serving consumers living in any other county (not listed above) is $18.10.
PAs will also enjoy a comprehensive benefits package that includes paid time off for sick and vacation days, holiday pay, overtime, participation in a health benefits plan and 401k plan, paid professional development training, paid family leave, and more.
PAs whose consumers live in Bronx, New York, Kings, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester counties also receive a flex card with funds to use on medical and dental expenses, medications, transportation and other health related expenses.
Additionally, all current PAs who transition to PPL before March 28th will receive a $100 bonus, which will be paid within 90 days of their PPL start date.
Question: Will PAs be able to work overtime?
Answer: Yes. Overtime is sometimes necessary to ensure services are provided timely. PPL will work with consumers to ensure they continue to have the PA support they need.
Question: What trainings are required, and will they be paid?
Answer: EVV training is the only training PAs must complete before April 1st. There are some other trainings we will work with you to complete by October 1st. Training time is paid for by PPL.
Trainings will be available within PPL’s PPL@Home system. A full list of the trainings as well as access to complete them will be clearly outlined when the PA logs into the system. There is no cost to the PA to complete these trainings online, and PAs will be compensated for training time. PPL will offer training sessions online or in-person at one of their offices. PAs will be able to view on PPL@Home which trainings are to be completed by October 1st, or they can call PPL to talk through the timing.
Question: Why do current PAs need to do trainings?
Answer: Since PPL will become the Employer of Record of the PAs, there are certain trainings that are required. PAs will have ample time to complete these trainings. Training courses are free and are available on demand at a time convenient for the PA. PPL will compensate PAs for training time.
Question: Do PAs have to redo their health assessments and who pays for it?
Answer: Program rules regarding health assessments are not changing. Health assessments are due annually. If a PA has a current valid health assessment, they will not have to redo it. If a PA has an expired health assessment, PPL will pay for the health assessment.
Questions: Will PAs be paid for trainings?
Answer: Yes, PAs will be compensated for training time.
Question: Will PAs have to join a union?
Answer: Joining a union is entirely a personal decision made by the worker. It is not mandatory.
Question: Is PA eligibility changing? Are family members still allowed to be personal assistants?
Answer: The transition to PPL is not changing the program rules, eligibility, or who can serve as your personal assistant. In CDPAP, you can hire family members, but there are some rules. Spouses cannot be paid personal assistants, and parents cannot be paid caregivers for their children under 21 years old. Full information on the requirements of the program established by New York State can be found on the New York State Department of Health website.
Question: Will my wages / OT / benefits carry over from my current FI/employer?
Answer: Benefits and wages from a previous employer would not carry over; however, PPL offers a competitive benefits package that includes health insurance, paid time off, overtime, a retirement plan, professional development funding, and other benefits.
Question: Does your EVV app (Time4Care) work in New York?
Answer: Time4Care will be made available to CDPAP consumers and PAs in advance of their first service date with PPL as their FI. There is no need to enter anything into Time4Care prior to the service date.
Time4Care is the highest rated EVV platform in the nation. Its user-friendly interface will help consumers and PAs remain in compliance with CDPAP and Medicaid requirements.
Question: Will PA training be available in-person?
Answer: Yes. PPL will offer training sessions in-person at our office locations throughout New York State and online. There is no cost to the PA to complete this training, and PAs will be compensated for training time. A schedule of in-person trainings will be made available soon. Online trainings will be available in our PPL@Home system where PAs can complete them at their convenience.
Question: When can I enroll in benefits?
Answer: Full-time employees will be eligible to enroll in PPL’s CDPAP Health Plan once they have worked 130 hours or more in a month. For 401K benefits, all employees are eligible to enroll on the first of the month after 30 days of employment.
New to CDPAP
Question: How can a person receive CDPAP services now, before the transition to PPL?
Answer: Information about receiving CDPAP services can be found on the NY Department of Health website. You can access it here.
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)
Question: What is your EVV application and how does it work?
Answer: PPL’s system, PPL@Home makes it easy to manage information and time worked, whether online or on our EVV app, which is called Time4Care™. The system automatically checks that hours worked match up with consumers’ authorization so that PAs get paid correctly. PPL’s tools are built to meet all program requirements and give real-time updates on work shifts.
A call-in option will be available to consumers and PAs without internet access.
Question: What if a consumer or PA does not have reliable internet coverage in their area?
Answer: PPL’s Time4Care application allows PAs to clock in and out while in “offline” mode, and then load their time when they can connect to Wi-Fi.
Question: What will be available for consumers and PAs to learn your EVV application?
Answer: PPL provides EVV training to help people understand and follow EVV rules. This helps avoid errors in timekeeping and makes it easier for people to manage their services.
Working at PPL
Question: What job opportunities are available at PPL?
Answer: Please visit PPL’s CDPAP jobs webpage for information about positions we are recruiting for and how to apply. PPL is hiring more than 1200 employees in New York to support CDPAP.
Contact Information
Customer Service
Monday – Saturday
8:00am – 8:00pm ET
English: 1-833-247-5346
Spanish: 1-833-281-0927
TTY: 1-833-204-9042
Monday – Friday
8:00am – 6:00pm ET
Arabic: 1-833-278-4829
Bangla: 1-833-278-5781
French: 1-833-279-3511
Haitian Creole: 1-833-279-3513
Italian: 1-833-279-3514
Mandarin: 1-833-279- 3467
Urdu: 1-833-281-3277
Customer Service Email:
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Check out our upcoming available positions here and express your interest here.